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Aantal resultaten: 29( DE:"intersekse beweging" )


Intersexuality and the Law : Why Sex Matters  / 

Julie A. Greenberg.New York, NY: New York University Press, 2012 - x, 169 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: New York University Press, 2012 - x, 169 p.
samenvatting: The term "intersex" evokes diverse images, typically of people who are both male and female or neither male nor female. Neither vision is accurate. The millions of people with an intersex condition, or DSD (disorder of sex development), are men or women whose sex chromosomes, gonads, or sex anatomy do not fit clearly into the male/female binary norm. Until recently, intersex conditions were shrouded in shame and secrecy: many adults were unaware that they had been born with an intersex condition and those who did know were advised to hide the truth. Current medical protocols and societal treatment of people with an intersex condition are based upon false stereotypes about sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability, which create unique challenges to framing effective legal claims and building a strong cohesive movement. In Intersexuality and the Law, Julie A. Greenberg examines the role that legal institutions can play in protecting the rights of people with an intersex condition. She also explores the relationship between the intersex movement and other social justice movements that have effectively utilized legal strategies to challenge similar discriminatory practices. She discusses the feasibility of forming effective alliances and developing mutually beneficial legal arguments with feminists, LGBT organizations, and disability rights advocates to eradicate the discrimination suffered by these marginalized groups. This volume will enlighten readers about societal and legal conceptions of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability and the role that legal institutions can play in challenging discriminatory practices based on sex, gender, and disability stereotypes.

signatuur: cat. (greenb-j/int) b


Intersexuality and the Law : Why Sex Matters
cat. (greenb-j/int) b ODE3
Julie A. Greenberg.

Intersexualität - Intersex : Eine Intervention  / 

Heinz-Jürgen Voss.Münster: Unrast, 2012 - 78 p.
uitgave: Münster: Unrast, 2012 - 78 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 73-78.
samenvatting: Oft werden bei der Diagnose "Intersex" im Säuglings- und frühen Kindesalter operative und hormonelle Eingriffe vorgenommen, um ein möglichst eindeutiges Erscheinungsbild der Genitalien zu erreichen. Von den Interessensvertretungen der Intersexe werden diese Eingriffe als gewaltsam und traumatisierend beschrieben. Neue wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse zeigen ebenfalls massive Probleme der Behandlungen auf der Deutsche Ethikrat berücksichtigte sie nicht für seine Anfang 2012 veröffentlichte Stellungnahme zum Umgang mit Intersexualität. In diesem Band wird der aktuelle Forschungsstand vorgestellt und mit den Forderungen der Intersex-Verbände kontextualisiert. Voraus geht eine Analyse der gesellschaftlichen Umstände, die zur bisher üblichen medizinischen Praxis führten. Darin wird gezeigt dass die Ungleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern sowie die sozial strukturierte Angst vor geschlechtlicher Pluralität wichtige Ausgangspunkte dafür waren, Uneindeutigkeiten gesellschaftlich und medizinisch zu tilgen. Vor dem Hintergrund einer wachsenden gesellschaftlichen Anerkennung vielfältiger geschlechtlicher Identitäten wird herausgearbeitet, dass die Begründung der bisherigen medizinischen Behandlungspraxis sie basierte eben darauf, Menschen Diskriminierungen und Gewalt in einer gegenüber geschlechtlicher Uneindeutigkeit intoleranten Gesellschaft ersparen zu wollen nicht mehr gegeben ist.

signatuur: cat. (voss/int) b

Intersexualität - Intersex : Eine Intervention
cat. (voss/int) b
Heinz-Jürgen Voss.

Advancing trans* movements worldwide : lessons from a dialogue between funders & activists working on gender diversity : conference report - December 3 & 4, 2013 - Berlin, Germany  / David Scarnell ... [et al.].

Washington, DC: Global Action for Trans Equality [GATE], 2013 - 28 p.
uitgave: Washington, DC : Global Action for Trans Equality [GATE], 2013 - 28 p.
  1. transgender
  2. rechtspositie
samenvatting: While learning and networking were key objectives, the meeting was designed to reach some concrete next steps towards improving and increasing funding for trans* and intersex movements.

signatuur: cat. (advanci/tra)

dgb grijs

Advancing trans* movements worldwide : lessons from a dialogue between funders & activists working on gender diversity : conference report - December 3 & 4, 2013 - Berlin, Germany
cat. (advanci/tra)dgb grijs

Leven met intersekse/DSD : een verkennend onderzoek naar de leefsituatie van personen met intersekse/dsd  / Jantine van Lisdonk.

Den Haag: Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, 2014 - 81 p.+ bijlagen
uitgave: Den Haag : Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, 2014 - 81 p.+ bijlagen
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: Verkennend onderzoek naar de leefsituatie van interseksuelen, met name wat betreft de persoonlijke beleving en de betekenis die interseksualiteit heeft op het sociale leven.

signatuur: cat. (lisdo/lev)

(lisdo/lev) bijlagen

dgb grijs

Leven met intersekse/DSD : een verkennend onderzoek naar de leefsituatie van personen met intersekse/dsd
cat. (lisdo/lev)(lisdo/lev) bijlagendgb grijs

Living with intersex/DSD : an exploratory study of the social situation of persons with intersex/DSD  / Jantine van Lisdonk ; transl. from the Dutch: Julian Ross.

Den Haag: The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, 2014 - 97 p.
uitgave: Den Haag : The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, 2014 - 97 p.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: Verkennend onderzoek naar de leefsituatie van interseksuelen, met name wat betreft de persoonlijke beleving en de betekenis die interseksualiteit heeft op het sociale leven.

signatuur: cat. (lisdo/liv)

dgb grijs

Living with intersex/DSD : an exploratory study of the social situation of persons with intersex/DSD
cat. (lisdo/liv)dgb grijs

Intersex rights and freedoms  / Morgan Carpenter.

Court of Conscience (2015) 9, p. 27-33
bron: Court of Conscience (2015) 9 , p. 27-33
samenvatting: 'Intersex status' is a new attribute in federal anti-discrimination law that was introduced in 2013, but few institutions have yet responded to this development. Those few have typically focused on the same issues of honorifics, pronouns and toilets that they might address in tackling gender identity discrimination, while media reports frequent;y suggest that LGBTI people are all gay. So what does the law say and what does it mean to address the rights and freedoms of people born with intersex traits?

signatuur: dgb artikelen (carpe-m/int)

Intersex rights and freedoms
dgb artikelen (carpe-m/int)
Morgan Carpenter.
Court of Conscience

Activiste Nthabiseng Mokoena is interseksueel geboren : 'Het is alsof wij niet bestaan'.

Hivos Magazine, 20 (2014) 3 (sep), p. 4-5
bron: Hivos Magazine jaargang: 20 (2014) 3 (sep), p. 4-5
samenvatting: Free to be Me heet de campagne waarmee Hivos aandacht vraagt voor de rechten van LHBTI's wereldwijd. Aan het woord is Nthabiseng Mokoena uit Zuid-Afrika die werkzaam is bij Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA). TIA richt zich op de zwarte townships en het plattenland. De TIA-coordinator is positief over de campagne en de speciale aandacht voor interseksuelen.

signatuur: ts.

Activiste Nthabiseng Mokoena is interseksueel geboren : 'Het is alsof wij niet bestaan'.
Hivos Magazine

Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions

Melbourne: State of Victoria, 2013 - 31 p.
uitgave: Melbourne : State of Victoria, 2013 - 31 p.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: This document is a resource for Victorian hospitals responsible for the healthcare of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions. The Victorian Department of Health, in collaboration with leading experts in the field, has developed this resource to assist decision makers to make the best possible decisions in this complex area. The resource synthesises the advice of the Victorian Government, medical, human rights, ethical and legal experts, and community advocates, and outlines best-practice principles to be applied to decision making. It is intended to assist decision makers to safeguard the best interests of patients.

signatuur: cat. (decis/pri)

dgb grijs

Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions
cat. (decis/pri)dgb grijs

Stories of intersex people from Nepal  / transl. from the [Nepali] by Esam Regmi.

Kathmandu: [Being LGBT in Asia], 2016 - 28 p.: ill.
uitgave: Kathmandu : [Being LGBT in Asia], 2016 - 28 p.: ill.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: 13 korte levensverhalen van interseksuelen uit Nepal verzameld tijdens het congres 'The 1st Intersex National Meeting in Nepal', 8-9 februari 2016, en vertaald vanuit het Nepalees naar het engels

signatuur: cat. (stori/int)

dgb grijs

Stories of intersex people from Nepal
cat. (stori/int)dgb grijs

We Are Real : the Growing Movement Advancing the Human Rights of Intersex People.

New York, NY: Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, 2016 - 36 p.
uitgave: New York, NY : Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, 2016 - 36 p.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: This report intends to help understand the scope of the problems intersex activists seek to address, and recommend ways to provide effective support to the intersex movement. Many of the examples of resilience, creativity and growth come from intersex groups that Astraea supports through the Intersex Human Rights Fund. Launched in 2015, the Fund was created to address the dearth of support for intersex activists and communities, and this report has been created with and for many of those activists leading the charge.

signatuur: cat. (we/are/rea)

dgb grijs

We Are Real : the Growing Movement Advancing the Human Rights of Intersex People.
cat. (we/are/rea)dgb grijs


( DE:"intersekse beweging" )

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